Macro Terminated: Out of Memory. Macro Terminated: Error performing operation while evaluating an expression. Macro Terminated: Error in WHILE expression. Macro Terminated: Error in UNTIL expression. Macro Terminated: Expected a Numeric string but got something else. Macro Terminated: Expected Alphanumeric string but got something else. Macro Terminated: Expected a number, but got something else. Macro Terminated: No expression found to assign in FOR EACH. Macro Terminated: FOR encountered but END FOR could not be found. Macro Terminated: Error returned by nested macro or macro subroutine. Macro Terminated: END WHILE encountered without corresponding WHILE. Macro Terminated: END FOR encountered without corresponding FOR or FOR EACH. Macro Terminated: This is not a valid macro command. Macro Terminated: Could not find corresponding ELSE, END IF, END WHILE or END FOR. Macro Terminated: Specified LABEL could not be found. Macro Terminated: Error evalutating an expression for this command. Macro Terminated: Error reading parameter for this command. Macro Terminated: Specified window could not be found Macro Terminated: This command not valid here. Macro Terminated: Could not chain or run the macro specified. Macro Terminated: Due to ERROR.